If you needed any measure of how easy it is to assemble Officeworks' furniture, then I can say that I managed quite well today. It reminds me of the old joke that my dad often cites from his own OH&S class, about how his son thinks that Manual Handling is a spanish guitarist. Apart from the purchase of a new computer chair, the construction of the bookshelf was supposed to be the last step in my workspace optimisation; however, I only managed to squeeze my music books on there. There are still several physics textbooks, computer reference books and novels with no place to go. At least now I have some experience in the assembly of bookshelves to match the inevitability of me purchasing more books.
I must have made an impression at my first piano lesson, because Gail started giving me more work to do for next lesson before I even played a note today. I was glad that she decided to push me harder, because as I was practicing over the week I felt like I could have been learning more new material. Also, since I mentioned playing in Tetanus Rig, she has started pointing out where certain techniques can be applied to rock piano. She was very complimentary about my technique, which makes me more confident about my instincts towards what feels right while I'm practicing.
I think I am making progress with the Britten arrangement. The section I have been working on for the duration of this blog is very busy harmonically and dynamically. I reached the end of a kind of 4 bar arch tonight that I feel should be followed with something even more intense. I want to make sure that I get as much out of this section as possible before trying something more sparse or atmospheric. By that stage I will have three sections and most probably not be too bothered about the order in which they will appear.
I must have made an impression at my first piano lesson, because Gail started giving me more work to do for next lesson before I even played a note today. I was glad that she decided to push me harder, because as I was practicing over the week I felt like I could have been learning more new material. Also, since I mentioned playing in Tetanus Rig, she has started pointing out where certain techniques can be applied to rock piano. She was very complimentary about my technique, which makes me more confident about my instincts towards what feels right while I'm practicing.
I think I am making progress with the Britten arrangement. The section I have been working on for the duration of this blog is very busy harmonically and dynamically. I reached the end of a kind of 4 bar arch tonight that I feel should be followed with something even more intense. I want to make sure that I get as much out of this section as possible before trying something more sparse or atmospheric. By that stage I will have three sections and most probably not be too bothered about the order in which they will appear.
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